Monday, February 4, 2008

War in Europe-24H

Why did Neville chamberlain sign the Munich Pact?
he wanted to avoid war

Why did Winston Churchill oppose the pact?
He believed appeasement was a shameful act and knew that they had not avoided war

What did Germany and the USSR agree to in their accords?
Non-aggression pact

What happened to Poland as a result of the invasion, and how did Britain and France respond to it?
Poland was overrun by a new tactic called Blitzkreig, Britain and France came to arms and fought the "phony war"

What were the surrender terms offered to France?
Germans would occupy Northern France while a Nazi controlled puppet gvt. would control Southern France.
What type of battle was the Battle of Britain, and why was England's victory so important?
It was an air battle, they now controlled the airways.

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