Monday, February 4, 2008

Dictators threaten world peace-24A

Joseph Stalin
Political movement and beliefs
communist, agriculture and economy, make Soviet Union a great industrial power

Aggressive actions taken in the 1920s and 1930s
5 year plan, all economic activity was moved to sate control, became second largest industrial power, 8-13 million people were killed, famines, totalitarian gvt.

Benito Mussolini
totalitarian, fascism, nationalism

marched on rome, blackshirts

Adolf Hitler
Nazism, extreme nationalism, dreamed of uniting all German-speaking people racial purification, blue-eyed blonde-haired

Japanese Militarists
more living space for a growing population

launched surprise attack and seized control of the Chinese province of Manchuria.

Francisco Franco

led the rebellion against the spanish republic

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