Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ch. 26c The Marshall Plan

Interpreting Text and Graphics- 26c
1. What commodity was particularly scarce in Europe after the war?

2. Which two countries on the graph received the most total aid in 1948, the first
year of the Marshall Plan?
great britain and france

Why do you suppose this was true?
they were allies with U.S. and they fought along side with the U.S. and they sufferd huge losses.

3. Why do you think the Soviet Union opposed the Marshall Plan?
the soviet union was trying to take over europe, this plan would seriously halt their progress.

4. How many dollars worth of food and agricultural aid did Italy receive in 1948?
just over 200 million dollars

5. Which country received the most in total aid in 1948?
great britain

What was the total dollar amount, approximately?
about 110,000 million dollars

6. What event finally moved Congress to approve the Marshall Plan?
a soviet uprising in czechoslavakia

7. In your own words, explain the following statement: “The Marshall Plan saved
Western Europe from being absorbed into the Soviet Bloc.”
the marshall plan fized the european economic problems. if these countries did not receive aid the soviet union would have come in and "provided" the aid they needed and would have taken over.

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